Friday, August 7, 2015

Relationship with God

Relationship with God The Creator of all the elements on the Periodic Table that make up Everything in this universe and space is not totally about going to a church. It is incredibly hard to believe in God because we get made fun of or mocked. But once you have your own personal tailored made relationship with God, which is Love, you will have the internal strength to withstand the mocking.

Whether we believe in God or not, God is in every part of our body. God is in our cells and Atoms and everything we Can Not see that is Gigantic and micro small. Those of us who "claim" to not believe always end up saying at some point "what if Im wrong" and that's because deep in your heart you know there is something more out there that is a higher power. Its your heart, where God lives primarily and speaks through, that is trying to tell you that yes "I AM" here. If you just be still and listen, look around, look into your heart, you'll find God. God is that driving force that nudges at you to do the right thing out of Love. Because in the End its Gods "Love", That "Energy" that created you and Everything that we know.

But people always ask, "Well if theres a God why do so many bad things happen in this world."

Well for one thing Each and Every single one of us has this thing called "Free Will", Its a God given right to have Free Will. When we make the choice against Love there are always consequences, sometimes these consequences dont happen right away in the physical, but they happen eventually in some way shape or form. Those who go against "Gods Love" and do what they know is completely opposite of Gods Love, know it in their deepest spaces of their heart and it just EATS at them. It EATS at them till they die if they dont Right that Wrong and apologize and MEAN IT!! In the end, that space in your heart, that deeeeeep space where God resides in All of us, where you keep your Deepest Darkest secrets that EAT at you till the end is what Judges you. That is what determines IF you to go to your "Heaven" of Peace, or to your "Hell" of chaos and pain. Always do the Right Loving thing no matter what. Any and all crap you have in that space thats eats at you needs to be brought out into the Light and made right so that you can find your own personal peace and heaven in the end.

If God is our life coach; Our teacher in this world that lives in each of us individually and speaks to us individually then the Bible is a text book like what you find in a classroom....And think of a church like a Classroom.

People say "oh that Bible is full of contradictions"

Yes it appears that way to someone who actually doesnt know what the Bible is all about. First of all you have to remember that Each Book in the Bible is A HUMAN account of the world around them, Their own personal Lessons, and Their own personal relationship with God that is Tailor made Just for Them. Look at alllll the Books and you see A lot Of Humans who have made LOTS of MISTAKES. Big Ones, Little Ones etc! Once these people realized what they have done, which is go against the over all "Love" message of God, They in their own personal way "apologize" and then do Right by Gods Love.

Another thing you have to realize is that these people also "learn as they go" as well. Just like we do today, from Children all the way up to old age. We learn as we go, our lessons evolve, our views evolve, and if we wrote our own book of lifes lessons it would look contradictory as well. However the contradictions may go, there are still valuable life lessons in it that shouldnt be ignored.

Jesus, and other prophets of the world, came here to be a human Example of God's Love and what God actually wants for us. The lessons they were trying to be an example of is the over all lesson of loving each other. They did nothing but Love. Why wouldnt you Want to follow that example?

If you were walking down the street and saw someone expressing Love in some way shape or form. Whether its giving someone in need, or not feeding into a fight, would you make fun of them or Mock them?? Im guessing you wouldnt, you would probably be inspired to do the Right thing as well. So why would you make fun or Mock someone in History who was only expressing Love?

It is never too late, you are never "too broken", you've never made too many mistakes, to form your own personal relationship with the Creator of the cosmos. Love yourself enough to listen to your heart where God lives and LOVES you!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Different kinds of Love

There are different types of love in this world.

We have Love for our friends, Love for our partners, Love for our children.

And we have Agape Love.

Agape Love is a Greek word and by simple definition is a selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love, the highest of the four types of love in the Bible.

When you have this kind of Love you know it deep within your soul. It's completely unconditional and there are No LABELS, AND NO EXPECTATIONS. There is only Love.

No matter what has happened, No matter the mistakes, No matter how a person has lived their life. Agape Love sees past that and Loves and Serves always.

I have blogged in the recent past about Love and about pain in my life. And I know it has brought some confusion to some wondering, "What in the world is this all about?!"

Its about my Agape Love, My unconditional Love, and this person is dying.

Yes I had plans, I had plans for my companion and I to travel and to serve other people as we had served each other in Agape Love. He is near and dear to me, One of my best friends who has been there behind the curtains of my life in secret always supporting me in anyways he could. He saw through any and all of my mistakes I had done in the past, and I saw through his. We saw each other for what we were. Loving souls.

Think about your Loves in your lives. Think about how you love them.

Do you place expectations on them? Expectations that you have no business putting on them in the first place?
Do you serve them? Im not talking about serving them food either!
Do you speak positively about them, praise them, support them, lift them up?
Do you understand that no one is perfect and we all have made mistakes?
Do you understand we are not supposed to judge people? Its not our place..

Do You understand Agape Love?


Our purpose in this life is to Serve each other in anyway we can. We are not supposed to only serve ourselves and our own needs. We are supposed to give what we have and our time. We are supposed to help each other. Whether its a coworker, your partner, your wife or husband, your friend; you are supposed to serve each other and help each other.  You are supposed to submit to each other and lift each other up without having any expectations in return.

Im NOT talking about being a slave. Im not talking about serving while someone is coming down on you and criticizing every move you make or berating you if you make a mistake. Please do not mistake what I am saying. But certainly serve those who you are lead to serve and submit to.

Parents serve your children.
Husbands serve you Wives, and Wives serve your Husbands.
Coworkers serve each other
Managers and Owners of businesses, Serve those in your business.

Serve those who are below you, Serve those who are next to you, and Serve those who are above you.

Serve with Love, Serve without expectation of Anything in return.

Serving without conditions, without expectations, is the only way to be happy and to stay happy. This is the concept that was naturally put into us the day we were created by God.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Bittersweet Love

Do you know what it's like to Love completely? To be completely "in love with someone"
Have you ever had the ongoing fire and desire to let him know every single day for years and years.....
How much you love him and
How much she means to you and
How much you appreciate him.

Have you ever been in complete love with someone that you accept all that they are, negative and positive. You accept who they are because of Love, and Real Love is a healthy acceptance.

To be completely in love is to feel his pain like your own and you are happy to do it. Real Love is the fuel, the energy to keep going.

To be in complete love is being grateful for every moment you have with him.

Real Love is painfully Beautiful

Real Love is feeling pain in your heart, and lump in your throat at the very thought of possibly betraying your Loves trust.

REAL LOVE is The Way, The Truth, The Life

REAL LOVE is how it's suppose to be.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Thinking of You

I have felt so lost
I have felt so stagnate
I have a felt a part of me, on hold with purpose
as we physically drifted away

I feel so lost
I feel so stagnate
The worst it has ever been
as he fades away

I feel so numb
I feel time passing as a blur
Journey's destination slowly painfully disappearing
Walking my path I involuntarily come to a stop

"Be anxious for nothing"

Novemeber 2016, right around my birthday I found out that I qualified for my first car loan. The cutest little Honda Civic. I LOVE my little...