Monday, July 15, 2013

Journey to Balance

Get to know God means getting to know yourself = Get to know yourself means getting to know God

Whichever path you choose the ending is still the same, You will, if you choose to, get to Know yourself, and You Will get to Know God... IF YOU CHOOSE TO. Choice. Free Will. You, Yourself have to make the choice to get to know God and get to know yourself whichever order it comes, it Will come.

Just like you have the Choice to only get to know yourself then STOP, (yes that choice is possible peeps), HOWEVER you Will remain in an unbalanced state. Period.

Knowing yourself is knowing your "in this world" physical body ONLY. BUT, We are not just made of a physical body are we?? We are made of stuff we cannot see as well. And just because we cannot see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it does and it needs nourishment.

God is within all of us people, whether you choose to believe it or not. So if you only get to know your physical body and choose to ignore the God within us, then you are making the choice to only fill your life's cup half full.

I make the choice to be FULL.


Friday, July 5, 2013

Led Zeppelin - Fool in the Rain

I absolutely love this song, I can listen to it over and over again. They just dont make music like this anymore. Love the classics! You know, a time when they actually used instruments and sounded wonderful LIVE. I miss hearing good live music and letting my ear wander to pick out each and every instrument. Now its electronic doo daads, I'm sure the electronic doo daads have their place, but geesh, lets not make every single song out now with the electronic doo daads. Seriously peeps!

In Through the Out Door

"Be anxious for nothing"

Novemeber 2016, right around my birthday I found out that I qualified for my first car loan. The cutest little Honda Civic. I LOVE my little...